ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension)

ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension) plays a very special role in the Danish pension system. This special role is crucial to the pension product we offer people in Denmark and the investment strategy ATP pursues.

What is ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension)?

We make every effort to provide stable pensions and returns that over time can contribute to ensuring the real value of the lifelong pensions and create financial security together with the state pension.

As an ATP member, you are guaranteed to have the ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension) paid out from the time you reach the state retirement age and for as long as you live.

Why do we have ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension)?

ATP’s role in the pension system is clear: To provide financial security together with the state pension with a guaranteed and fixed benefit for life. No matter how old one gets.

ATP is part of the basic amount provided to pensioners in the Danish pension system. More than 35 per cent of pensioners in Denmark have only their state pension and the payment from ATP to finance their life as a pensioner.

Investing pension funds

ATP has an overall investment strategy that takes into account that we need to provide guaranteed and lifelong pensions to our members no matter what interest rates do and how the life expectancies of our members develop and that we need to make every effort to ensure the real value of the pensions that are paid out.

The members’ mandatory contributions are divided into a so-called guarantee contribution and bonus contribution, where the guarantee contribution amounts to 80 per cent and the bonus contribution amounts to 20 per cent

Mørkegrøn baggrund

Ratios for ATP Livslang Pension (Lifelong Pension) (2023

38 dkk
is the annual administration fee per member
5,6 mio.
members of ATP
17,1 per cent
in stable bonus ability after bonus accrual

Results and reports

The ATP Group - Annual report 2023

Interim and annual reporting 2024

Results and reports for the ATP Group